We have established this Line Seiki Human Rights Policy to fulfill our corporate responsibility and to respect the human rights of our employees, customers, business partners, and all other people involved with Line Seiki’s products and services. This Human Rights Policy complements our CSR Declaration and is consistent with our corporate mission; “to pursue the happiness of all people associated with Line Seiki, including customers, colleagues, and their families, and to give each individual the possibility and opportunity to realize his or her dreams.”
<Scope of Application >
This policy sets forth our basic policy regarding respect for human rights and applies to all executives and employees of Line Seiki Group. We also ask our business partners to support and comply with this policy.
<Compliance with Laws, Regulations, and International Standards >
We support and respect international human rights norms, including the International Bill of Human Rights, which sets forth the fundamental human rights that all people should enjoy, and the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which stipulates fundamental rights at work (freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour, effective abolition of child labour, elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, and safe and healthy working environment).
<Human Rights Due Diligence >
In carrying out our responsibility to respect human rights, we will engage in and continuously practice human rights due diligence based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights established by the United Nations.
We will properly identify and assess the impact and risks that the activities of our company and our business partners may have on human rights, and take necessary measures to prevent or mitigate the identified risks.
<Correction and Remedy >
In case it is found that we have caused or got involved in a negative impact on human rights, we will take appropriate measures to correct and remedy the situation.
In order to detect and deal with such negative influences at an early stage, we have established an internal hotline for consultation and reporting.
<Education >
We will regularly provide awareness-raising education and training to all of our directors and employees to ensure that this policy can be effectively implemented by all the members across Line Seiki.
<Dialogue and Relationship Building with Stakeholders >
We will encourage our suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders to understand and support our respect for human rights through activities and communications based on this policy.
<Information Disclosure >
We will disclose our efforts to respect human rights based on this policy through our corporate website and other means.