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Quality Policy

Our products are mainly produced in our Philippine factory which obtained ISO9001 certification in 2003. ISO9001 established by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is known as a global standard of quality management system.

In accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard, we have been striving to maintain and improve the effectiveness of our quality management system, and have always delivered reliable products of high precision to our customers.

In order to fully satisfy our customers and to further develop as a company, we keep complying with the established quality system at all stages from manufacturing to shipping, and will constantly engage in improving the current system.

Environmental Policy

Since our establishment, Line Seiki has developed under our basic principles:
“create a product for society” and “create a product for people”.

Standing by these principles, we will further consider the impact of our business on the global environment and be responsible for its conservation, resource protection, and prevention of pollution while seeking to work in harmony with the local communities.
Line Seiki promotes the sustainable society to pass on to the next generation through the following initiatives:  

  1. Compliance with Environmental Laws
    We will comply with environmental laws, regulations, agreements, and industry guidelines to protect the global environment.
  1. Development of Eco-friendly Products
    We take into account the impact on environment of our production, from material procurement to manufacturing, distribution, utilization, and disposal.
    We will thereby develop and produce products with less impact on the environment.
  1. Energy and Resource Saving, Recycling, and Green Procurement
    We will conduct our business activities with a view to environmental preservation and strive to conserve energy and resources, recycle, and engage in green procurement.
  1. Preserving the Local Environment
    We will encourage activities to preserve the local environment around our business sites and to maintain a beautiful and habitable community.
  1. Environmental Education
    We will educate our employees on global environmental issues in order to make understand our policy and to promote awareness so as to act in a responsible manner in all aspects of our business operations and community activities.

March 17, 2005

Conflict Minerals Policy

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the surrounding countries, there are serious human rights violations and environmental destruction by armed groups involved in the conflicts.

It is drawing worldwide attention and recognized as a major sustainability issue.

Some of the minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold, cobalt and mica) produced in these areas are said to be financing these armed groups and often associated with severe human rights abuses. Line Seiki has no intention to contribute to human rights violations or environmental destruction by procuring raw materials, parts, or products that use above-mentioned conflict related minerals.

We will continue to work with our customers and business partners to avoid such complicity.

April 1, 2015

CSR Declaration

  1. We comply with laws and regulations and conform with social ethics in all corporate activities.
  2. We respect the human rights and eliminate any discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, social status, gender, age, disability, and other factors.
  3. We engage in corporate activities that promote a low-carbon, recycling-oriented society and contribute to building a sustainable society to harmonize the environment and the economy, while giving due consideration to the preservation of biodiversity.
  4. We respect the diversity, personality, and individuality of all our employees, treat them fairly and realize a safe, comfortable work environment where they can fully demonstrate their abilities and vitality.
  5. We provide products and services that meet the needs of our customers, as well as correct information about them, and appropriately manage and protect our customers’ information. We earn the trust of customers by listening and responding to their opinions.
  6. We seek mutual development with our business partners by establishing fair and trustable relationship through smooth communication.
  7. We aim to coexist with the local community by participating and cooperating in activities that contribute to its sound development and safe, comfortable living.
  8. We seek to obtain comprehension and support of investors and fund providers through fair and transparent corporate management.
  9. Without any collusion with political or administrative bodies, we always keep our business fair and transparent .
  10. We sever any relationships and take a firm stand against antisocial groups or individuals who threaten social order and safety.
  11. We comply with the labor laws of the countries and regions in which we operate, and with international labor standards set forth by the International Labour Organization (ILO).We reject any form of forced labor, slavery, human trafficking, and child labor.

    July 1, 2019

    Human Rights Policy

    We have established this Line Seiki Human Rights Policy to fulfill our corporate responsibility and to respect the human rights of our employees, customers, business partners, and all other people involved with Line Seiki’s products and services. This Human Rights Policy complements our CSR Declaration and is consistent with our corporate mission; “to pursue the happiness of all people associated with Line Seiki, including customers, colleagues, and their families, and to give each individual the possibility and opportunity to realize his or her dreams.”

    Scope of Application >
    This policy sets forth our basic policy regarding respect for human rights and applies to all executives and employees of Line Seiki Group. We also ask our business partners to support and comply with this policy.

    Compliance with Laws, Regulations, and International Standards >
    We support and respect international human rights norms, including the International Bill of Human Rights, which sets forth the fundamental human rights that all people should enjoy, and the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which stipulates fundamental rights at work (freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour, effective abolition of child labour, elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, and safe and healthy working environment).

    <Human Rights Due Diligence
    In carrying out our responsibility to respect human rights, we will engage in and continuously practice human rights due diligence based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights established by the United Nations.
    We will properly identify and assess the impact and risks that the activities of our company and our business partners may have on human rights, and take necessary measures to prevent or mitigate the identified risks.

    Correction and Remedy
    In case it is found that we have caused or got involved in a negative impact on human rights, we will take appropriate measures to correct and remedy the situation.
    In order to detect and deal with such negative influences at an early stage, we have established an internal hotline for consultation and reporting.

    Education >
    We will regularly provide awareness-raising education and training to all of our directors and employees to ensure that this policy can be effectively implemented by all the members across Line Seiki.

    Dialogue and Relationship Building with Stakeholders >
    We will encourage our suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders to understand and support our respect for human rights through activities and communications based on this policy.

    Information Disclosure >
    We will disclose our efforts to respect human rights based on this policy through our corporate website and other means.

    January 30, 2023


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